Wednesday, March 10th and Thursday, March 11th, 2021
12:30 pm - 4pm each day
ACEC of Vermont and VTrans are proud to announce that we will be hosting the 6th Annual Transportation Technical Workshop via ZOOM. Please join an anticipated audience of 150+ attendees, that will include your colleagues/attendees/presenters from the Vermont Agency of Transportation and other federal, state and municipal partners.
As an ACEC National recognized Regional Continuing Education Provider (RCEP), ACEC of Vermont will be providing workshop attendees with 6 approved Vermont PDH's for the workshop.
12:30 -1:00 pm
Opening Remarks
Brendan Cosgrove - ACEC Executive Director
Ann Gammell – VTrans Deputy Chief Engineer
1:00 -2:00 pm
Session #1: Hartland IM 091-1(68) Utilizing Geosynthetic Reinforced Soil and Integrated Bridge System Technology
Session Presenters: Mahendra Thilliyar – VTrans Structures Project Manager
John Phelps and Scott Carpenter – Gill Engineering Associates, Design Consultant
2:00 -3:00 pm
Session #2: Brandon NH 019-3(496) Traffic Signal Design, Timing and Real Time Fixes
Session Presenters: David Munro and Matthew Skelly - Fuss & O’Neill, Inc.
3:00 -4:00 pm
Session #3: VTrans’ Work Zone Safety and Mobility Guidance: Process, Documentation and Rollout Plan
Session Presenters: Erin Parizo – VTrans Highway Safety & Design Project Manager
Jenn Conley - VHB
4:00 - 4:10 pm
Closing Remarks for Day 1
Jon Olin, Chairman Transportation Subcommittee
12:30 -1:00 pm
Opening Remarks
Brendan Cosgrove - ACEC Executive Director
Jennifer Fitch – Department of Buildings and General Services Commissioner
1:00 -2:00 pm
Session #4: Phosphorus Control Planning for VTrans
Session Presenters: Amy Macrellis, Stone Environmental
Jenn Callahan - VTrans Pollution Prevention and Compliance Section
Audrey Beaulac - Hoyle, Tanner & Associates
2:00 -3:00 pm
Session #5: Vermont’s Western Corridor Passenger Rail
Session Presenters: Paul Libby, VTrans Project Manager and Scott Burbank - VHB
3:00 -4:00 pm
Session #6: Design and Construction of Precast Full Depth Deck Panels using the 2018 AASHTO LRFD Guide Specifications for Accelerated Bridge Construction
Session Presenter: Michael Culmo - Clough Harbour and Associates, LLP
4:00 - 4:10 pm
Closing Remarks / Evaluation
Dale Gozalkowski, ACEC President