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ACEC of Wyoming was founded in 1955 to promote and protect the business interests of engineering and surveying firms in Wyoming. The original organization was formed under the name Wyoming Association of Private Practicing Engineers and Surveyors. The Wyoming association became affiliated with what is now the American Council of Engineering Companies (ACEC) in Washington D.C. in May, 1961. In 1964, the organization changed its name to the Wyoming Association of Consulting Engineers and Surveyors (WACES). In 2002 WACES became the American Council of Engineering Companies of Wyoming (ACEC of Wyoming).

Throughout its history, the mission of ACEC of Wyoming has been to:

  • Advocate for engineering and surveying companies to enhance the business environment in which these companies operate;
  • Promote public awareness of the talent and availability of consulting engineers and surveyors in Wyoming;
  • Help clients and owners find the consulting engineers or surveyors who can solve their multitude of challenges reliably, effectively, consistently, and efficiently;
  • Provide educational opportunities to help member firms expand their knowledge and skills in the business of their consulting practice;
  • Help clients take advantage of the talents and knowledge unique to ACEC of Wyoming engineers and surveyors, relative to Wyoming's unique government, environment, land and soil structure, building codes, political structure, and specific policies which impact building projects and the all-important bottom line;
  • Inform ACEC of Wyoming firms of changing state and federal laws and policies that affect their clients and their practice.

ACEC of Wyoming is the voice of the engineering and surveying industry in Wyoming.


We are currently watching for bills that will be coming up in legislature in 2024.  We will let you know any bills that pose an issue with engineering or surveying in the State.  Currently we do not have any that concern us.  



For more information about ACEC of Wyoming, please contact or call (307) 635-8111.

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